The River Teifi is dying

    Our Rescue Plan - See our Actions list:

    1. Join our Friends of the Teifi group, and come to Our next meeting:    Date and Venue TBA
      Get involved with these Specific issues to raise awareness; plan activities and actions:
      1. Engagement with community; (Link: Engagement with the Community – Teifi-Forum) - See Leaflet Here and New leaflet here
      2. Political pressure; (Link: Political Pressure – Teifi-Forum) - See SavetheTeifi petition
      3. Citizen science; (Link: Citizen science – Teifi-Forum) &Teifi Citizen Science Volunteering
      4. Recycling urine (PISHO): (Link: Recycling Urine – Teifi-Forum) - See Pisho Leaflet here.
    2. Respect our river. Find out About it, Visit it, learn its History, take children to play by it, share photos. (See Gallery - for a birds eye view of the length of the Teifi). Report problems to NRW and Welsh Water
    3. The responsibility for pollution, rivers and water lies with the Welsh Government. Write to them urging them so save our river.
    4. Sign appropriate petitions (e.g.s SavetheTeifi, RiverActionUK, SAS, Greenpeace,
    5. Start Monitoring the Teifi and its Tributaries - Use an App on your phone to record information in the field to send to the West Wales Rivers Trust. Join an Adopt a Tributary Group: contact Nathaniel James of the Teifi Restoration Project if you wish to join in.                                                                                                                                                    NEW - Volunteer for Citizen Science activities in the Teifi Catchment: Go to this link Citizen Science  and email                                                                                                                      
    6. Contrbute to national causes eg: Good Law Project

    Forum - Click Here For Short Cut To Forum Topics

    Summary Information:

    Here is a wonderful article about the Teifi and some of its history, current problems and work being done to help

    Afon Teifi RIVER OF THE MONTH | Afonydd Cymru 

    Extra Special News:

    Demonstrator catchment project for water quality improvement on the  River Teifi.

    The first meeting to co-develop a demonstrator catchment project for the River Teifi took place  on 24th Nov.  The project will pursue integrated catchment approaches to form a multisector co-operation and adopt nature based solutions.

    See Report of Hackathon Mar 24 event here

    See Latest Welsh News:

    Welsh Water admits illegally spilling sewage in Cardigan for for over 10 years - BBC report

    See Save the Teifi response here

    See WW/DC Newsletter  Mar 24 Update here

    Further WW/DC response here

    Emerging News:

    Scientists call for action to save The Teifi

    Science News:

    New Scientist Explains many of the pollution problems on the River Teifi
